It’s a holiday, after all. Pioneer Safaris belief that Africa has so much to offer, that it is only fair to offer our clients every opportunity possible to take advantage of your time here. We therefor offer on-ranch activities when you hunt at our main lodge, Berchtesgaden in the Waterberg area of South Africa. We also offer near-ranch adventures which are available within a short drive from the front gates.
On ranch adventures refers to activities and amenities available at our main lodge, where most of our clients stay. We always use our main lodge, Berchtesgaden, in the Waterberg area as this area is by far the best hunting grounds in the world. The Waterberg is referred to as the “hunting mecca of the world” by serious hunters from around the globe. Practically all species from the African continent roam this area on massive private reserves in vast numbers. We will only be using other destinations when we are in pursuit of specialist species which require different habitats.
Available activities & amenities at Berchtesgaden include:
Surrounding our private hunting ranch, you will find many adventures perfect for a family group, or a party of hunting buddies. Most of these adventures are close enough to make a morning out of it, and those that arn’t can be worked into your Safari as you would prefer it.